Light on the edges
The Solar Eclipse is not going to be visible in my world. We are hundreds of miles from the path and it is raining cats and dogs.
Still, I cannot escape the eclipse madness that surrounds me on all media platforms.
Feeling a bit left out, I decided to take a non-literal look at this phenomenon!
Why? Because the darkness we see here on earth is caused by something blocking the normal sunshine we are used to and I think that has everyday meaning for us.
In order to see and be seen with clarity we need light. Nothing grows without light! Each of us have things that block the light and cause us to not see clearly.
Not only do others block our light at times, but we have our own stuff that blocks the light we might shed on others.
Questions for you to ponder:
Where are you blocking much needed light for others?
What might you be doing that gets in the way of the light others need to see?
What is blocking your view of the light you need to grow – yourself, your team, your family, your friends, the world in general?
How do you bring light to others?
How might you benefit from “blocking” some time to spend with important relationships in your life?
We make a difference in people’s lives everyday – shedding light or blocking light – we get to decide which we do! GO - BE THE LIGHT!!!