tiger stretch
I gave up New Year's Resolutions about 3 years ago. I switched to a focus on ONE WORD for the year. ONE WORD that could be applied to every part of my life and make it (or me) more of what I wanted.
STRETCH is my word for 2016
Physically, I am losing flexibility faster than any other physical factor. I am going to stretch my body every time I think of it during the day. Consistency will win out!
Emotionally, I tend to stay in the box and avoid situations that can bring up emotions that are uncomfortable for me. I'm tired of avoidance. I'm tired of living in the comfortable emotional space. Time to venture into a space where I feel my emotions might be teased up on their edge.
Intellectually, I am going to stretch myself to learn deeper. I am great at a superficial level where I am learning a little about lots of things. Great at the level where it comes easily. If it requires me to really fire up the brain and hang in there to understand, I sometimes check out. No more pretending that I know - it's time for me to engage in the challenge - find out what's it like to struggle to learn something.
Socially, I have myriad opportunities to stretch. I am great socially when I'm in charge of the conversation - the who, the what, the how long, the where. That needs to stop. This is the year where I will meet people where they are at. If it's small talk (which is hard for me), I'll stay there and see what's in it. If it's on the phone (which I detest), then I will use my mobile device for something besides texting and talk into it. If it's in someone's home (in a location or situation where I typically don't venture), then I need to go into their space. If someone else connects best early in the morning or late at night, I'm going to make the effort to stretch to their timing - not mine.
Spiritually, I have much to learn through study - through faith - through prayer. I have been comfortable with my level of spirituality for far too long, and it's time to stretch myself. Not really sure what this holds, but I know that it's been awhile since I felt as if I was reaching for anything here.
Work; it's time to take risks and try new things. I know what I'm good at. I don't know how good or bad I might be at many things - it's time to check it out.
Family; it's time to stretch into being a better grandmother - unplanned time with these precious children, who do not need an agenda or a place to go - what they need is me and I need them.
Friend; this is about stretching to be more of what my friends need from me (a listening ear) and less of what I do well (coach, offer solutions). This may be the biggest stretch of all for me.
Service; I love to serve, and up until now, I am best when it is convenient for me. That needs to stop. My stretch opportunity is to serve when it's needed, not when it fits my schedule.
A final thought about the benefits of stretching is that you are less likely to be injured or hurt - you can fit into more places/situations - it raises your awareness of your limits and little by little you go beyond what you thought was possible. That's a pretty great thing.
I shared my STRETCH 2016 because I know if I put it in writing, I will hold myself more accountable. I also hope that you might consider the ONE WORD that you can take into every facet of your life this year and grow/develop as you have never done before.
Get creative - t-shirt, post it note on the bathroom mirror, phone password, screen saver - put it everywhere and let it seep into your DNA!
Anyone want to share their ONE WORD for 2016?